

So, You’ve Decided To Buy A Golf Cart!

Your next decision is how best to pay for it?  You likely have options, but here’s one you may not have known about.  When you purchase through O’Tools Rent or Buy, you have access to a special level of the banks!  This ideal financing has many advantages for you, including:

  • Flexibility; customized to your liking
  • No collateral except your purchase
  • Fully open; no penalties for early payout
  • Attractive fixed rates for peace of mind
  • Extended amortization for comfortable payments
  • Bridge finance options
  • Easy in-store paperwork

So, why tie up your hard earned cash?  Keep it for investment opportunities or, heaven forbid, and emergency!  They do happen…

Work With A Pro!

 When it comes to financing, O’Tools Rent or Buy works with Canada’s largest recreation finance broker, Walker Financial Services!  They are in tune with the banks’ (and in some cases, non-bank alternatives) special programs.  They are happy to discuss your ownership options, no obligation.  This will enable you to obtain a competitive loan package that suits your needs.

Because you never know what’s around the next corner, WFS is able to offer you loan repayment protection providing security to you and your family should an unplanned income interruption occur and extended warranties providing protection for your investment!

If you're unsure about your specific needs, a financing expert can help you show you the path. They can also complete a loan application with you and get it processed quickly, sometimes in a matter of hours!

By choosing a broker who understands the needs of recreational vehicle owners, you can be sure that your finance plan will fit your budget and your lifestyle. More importantly, you'll be the proud owner of a golf cart that will ultimately be the source of many fond memories.


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